Programs & Initiatives

Reimagining Civics Education
A lack of civics education in school should not be a barrier to voting.
Starting with 12th grade and moving backward, our ambitious K-12 programming will change how civics education is taught in this country. For those who are out of school, we are also creating accessible tools to make civics education available to all who need it.
Finally, because strong leaders build strong communities, we are building a mentorship program that connects high school and college students. In addition to helping young community leaders harness their power, we are also teaching them how to be both great mentors and mentees, a skill they’ll be able to use beyond the confines of this program.

Renewing Healthy Dialogue
We need to re-learn how to talk to each other because the purpose of the political debate shouldn’t be to change someone’s mind – it should be to come to the solution that best serves the community.
We’re building programming that renews our ability to have conversations that help push positive change forward. And, when that’s not possible, we at least want to make those conversations easier – whether they happen on the debate stage or dining room table.
Reenvisioning Data Aggregation
We’ve heard it a million times in the last few elections – polling is broken. But what if polling isn’t broken, but simply just outdated?
Polling is a science and, the problem is, since 2016, for one reason or another, each national election has been an outlier.
The landscape has changed. Polling should change with it.
In addition to reviewing available data, we will also use surveys to collect our own data that shows us where voter education and turnout can be improved, what voters want, and where the system can be improved.